Evaluating our Business Idea

Last Friday, we had to present to the class our business idea.

I was quite excited to discover other groups’ idea, and a bit stressed about what people would think about our business. We met before the class to figure out what could be our target group. We all came with one (or more) defined tribes and we noticed that we have all one in common : The “business” people.

The business we want to design is about an umbrella cover, but a unique one, that doesn’t exist. First, it is made from waterproof cloth (Have you ever noticed that many umbrellas come with a cover, but when the umbrella is wet, it made the cover wet as well?). Then, and above all, there is a story behind, an emotional appeal. We will not use a simple waterproof cloth to produce it, but the one that the army uses and that they trow away when it is no longer usable for them. So there is also an idea of recycling behind this.

[ Here is an interesting article about the importance of storytelling in marketing ***. ]

The feedbacks we received were really encouraging and we were all really exciting to keep working on this project. We met yesterday, to define our product name, and we came out with one that we really like, and completly fits with our product and the whole idea around it. BUT it’s a surprise, we’ll tell you tomorrow!

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